2025 Calendar

Meeting Times

Meetings are held on the second, fourth and fifth Tuesdays of each month (excepting late December and early January allowing for the Christmas/New Year break). Meetings are from 7:30pm (Print Registration 7:15 - 7:30pm) until 10:00pm at The Nailsworth Community Centre, 31 D'Erlanger Ave, Collinswood, SA 5081unless otherwise specified.
                                      Amended: 21st. January 2025

14   Welcome to the New Year and a review of the 2025 program, followed by a review and discussion of photos from Club members
Sat 18  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Field Trip - Chihuly Glass Exhibition in the Botanic Gardens. 9:30am start. Meet at the Botanic Gardens Friends' Gate entrance (Plane Tree Drive). This gate is west of the Conservatory Gate.
Sun 26  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Australia Day Parade - (Casual portraiture in front of Adelaide Oval). 5:30pm meet up at the Adelaide Oval end of the Torrens footbridge. The Parade starts 7pm, but the best photography is prior to this.
28  CLUB COMPETITION: Set subject: Textures


11  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Annual Beach Shoot at Grange Beach. Meet by the jetty at 6pm
15   B Grade coffee morning. Meet at 9:30 am at Cafe Brunelli in Rundle St.
22  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Port River cruise and photography (optional), followed by golden hour and sunset photography in Port Adelaide surrounds. Meet at the Lighthouse at 3:00pm for a 3:30pm start. More information to come via email
25  CLUB COMPETITION:Set subject:  Emotions.

11  PRESENTATION: "The diffident street photographer" by Martin Newland 
Sat 15  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Street Photography in Mad March. Meet Martin Newland at 6:15pm alongside the big silver pigeon (Corner of Rundle Mall and Gawler Place).
25  CLUB COMPETITION: Set subject: Street Photography/Urban Life

8    WORKSHOP: Post Processing. 
Sat 12  Photo Shoot/Field Trip:  Landscape/seascape
22  CLUB COMPETITION: Set subject: Bridges
29  WORKSHOP: Presentation by Dean Cooper. Landscape photography, and the use of filter in Landscape photography.

1 SAPF Annual entry opens.
Sat 3  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Paracombe Medieval Fair. Entry fee applies.
13    CLUB COMPETITION: Set subject: Urban Decay
27  SPECIAL CLUB COMPETITION:  John Addison Memorial Trophy and the Lou Marafioti Trophy (Marafioti panoramic print only)

Sat 14  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Architecture at night.
24  CLUB COMPETITION: Set subject:  Abstract
SAPF Annual entry closes

WORKSHOP: Post Processing challenge.
Sat 12  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Monarto Zoo
18 - 20  Photographic weekend away: Barmera and Lake Bonney
22  CLUB COMPETITION: Set subject: Achitecture at night (Last chance to bring your SALA Capri theatre prints)
29  PRESENTATION: "Portrait posing techniques and lighting tips"  - Lou Marafioti

1-31 Adelaide Camera Club SALA Exhibition at Capri Theatre
12  CLUB COMPETITION: Set subject: Repetition
Sat 16  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Buddhist Temple (the Ottoway Temple) portraiture and architecture.
26  INTERNATIONAL INTERCLUB: Fordingbridge (England)
Sat 30  SAPF Annual Exhibition Presentation

SPECIAL CLUB COMPETITION: Iris Millikan Trophy for creative photography & Vince Calo Trophy for B Grade Portraiture.
Sat 13  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Light Painting
23  WORKSHOP: Available light portraiture.

14 SPECIAL CLUB COMPETITION: Eric Robertson Trophy for Portraiture
Sat 18 Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Oaklands Wetlands
28  Annual General Meeting + INTERNATIONAL INTERCLUB: Pikes Peak (USA) + Wymondham Photographic Society (England). Entry portal for Annual Exhibition closes

11  CLUB COMPETITION: Set subject: Trains, Planes, Automobiles
Sat 15  Photo Shoot/Field Trip: Monarto Zoo
25  Photographic quiz night at the Hall.

9  Annual Exhibition



 Definitions for the set subjects

An abstract image emphasises shapes, colours, textures, forms and patterns to produce an image rather than a representation of reality. The viewer should not be able to identify a physical subject unless it is a repeating pattern of identifiable elements forming an abstract image. Editing or compositing (but not use of images generated by AI) is allowed to achieve the desired effect.
For guidance refer to photographers such as: Aaron Siskind, Jaroslav Rossler, Paul Snell.

An image which clearly portrays human emotion, whether it be joy, sadness, anguish, laughter, etc. The impact of the emotional story is the most important element for this subject.
For guidance reference Deanne Fitzmaurice, Clare Ackford, Dorothea Lange.   As always look for what Youtube can offer.

Street photography/urban life
A photograph that portrays unmediated chance encounters and random incidents within public places, or documents people and/or activities that occur in an urban environment, or shows an environment which clearly depicts life in an urban setting. Post production must be limited to standard editing for colour, light, clarity, etc,  but must not include the removal of existing structures or the addition of new elements.
For guidance refer to photographers such as: Bouwe Brouwer, Saul Leiter, Garry Winogrand, Vivian Maier.

A photo that includes part or all of a structure (a bridge) that completely spans a space such as a river, road, street, chasm, etc. The bridge must be the key element of the photograph. People may be included in the image but must not be the dominant feature. This defintition does not include jetties or wharfs.

Urban Decay
A photograph of the abandonment, disrepair, lack of ongoing use, or general deterioration of built environments in a town or city. Mood, colour, textures and detail should convey the decay or beauty of the scene. People may be included in the image but must not be the dominant feature and must contribute to the view of decay.
For guidance you could refer to photographers such as: the Richard Koek, Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre, William Christenberry.

An image that visually potrays how a surface might physically feel e.g. smooth, rough, and anything else your hand feels when it touches a surface. Depth of field, good contrast, colour and patterns are generally what defines textures in photography. An image can be a close up or taken from a distance. You can intensify textures in post-processing.
For further guidance, see https://www.adobe.com/au/creativecloud/photography/discover/texture-in-photography.html

Architecture at Night
An image of a building or buildings, or other architectural structure, or parts of that structure, captured at night (from the blue hour and later). The image should strive to be both aesthetically pleasing and an accurate representation to draw attention to the building’s design, magnitude, aesthetics, lines, forms, materials, textures, or contextual interaction within its surroundings.
For guidance refer to such photographers as: Iwan Baan, Cristobel Palma, Mike Kelly.

An image which includes repeating elements or patterns as a whole or part of the image. Repetition can convey the notion of flow and rhythm.
For guidance refer to the work of; Andreas Gursky, Eadweard Muybridge, Stephen Wilkes, Sol Lewitt.
See also the YouTube presentation ‘the Art of Repetition’ by Thorsten Overgaard.

A photo which incorporates a fence as a part or the whole of the image. A fence can be defined as a physical structure delineating a boundary around a space or structure. The space or structure can be which may be incorporated into the image, but the main subject of your image should be the fence.

Trains, planes or automobiles
An image that features a train, aircraft or automobile(s) as a key subject in the photo. Images of specialised means of transportation such as military resources may be included.    The depicition should be more than just a single element of the vehicle (e.g. a car wheel or train cabin).  Some refrence names include Tom Vadnais, John Kennington, and PHil Clark (spelt that way).